Remembrance Sunday 2016

Remembrance Sunday 2016

Dr Blighty – ‘For those who came before’ from Nutkhut on Vimeo.

Remembrance Sunday – earlier this year Dr Blighty paid its respects to soldiers of the Empire who fought in both World War’s and conflicts which followed. These soldiers and families have largely been forgottern and do not appear in our news items, in our history books and are not taught in our schools. Culture and Art brings people together and can make a small contribution to re-address our collective memory.

A Nutkhut production co-commissioned by 14-18 NOW: WW1 Centenary Art Commissions, Brighton Festival, and Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove. Supported by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund and Arts Council England, QED, and by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

1.5 Million Indian men went to war.

2,500 awoke in a palace…

‘As part of Britain’s Centenary Anniversary of the First World War Nutkhut presented an ambitious programme of immersive performances and installations based in Brighton’s Royal Pavilion Garden which bring the past into the present, immersing the audience in the untold history of these brave soldiers, so far from home, fighting the war of other men.’